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News and Events


July  15th 2020: Rochelle hosts masterclass  with One Africa Network

July 7th, 2020: Blended Workforce webinar series continued


July  1st  2020: Blended Workforce Webinar 

Jeremy and Rochelle share the GigHR framework 

June 15th  2020: Keynote Women's Speakers Directory

Rochelle Invited to Join Global Speakers' Network


Rochelle was invited to join the EU chapter of KeyNote Women Speakers Directory, the world's leading directory of female public speakers. Their  aim is to bring more diversity to stages around the world with the goal of increasing group intelligence.

Keynote is a non-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers and an integral part of PrimeTime, Singapore's Business and Professional Women's organisation. All of  KeyNote's speakers are screened by their recruitment team and are experienced and accomplished speakers.


February 2020:

Blended Workforce Research White Paper Launched in Malaysia


On February 27th in Malaysia, members of the CP team, Jeremy Blain, Neil Stoneham, and Zohrab Chong launched the white paper, The Blended Workforce Revolution. They shared the findings of a global study conducted by Jeremy and Rochelle on changing work habits and expectations across the globe, and challenged their audience to rethink traditional approaches to management.

The presentation was very well received and the team answered several questions from the audience.

June 26th, 2019: LIBS Welcomed Rochelle and Jeremy as keynote speakers


Jeremy and Rochelle travelled to Lincoln to speak at the LIBS executive event The Future of Work is Now, which was hosted at the Engine Shed, (University of Lincoln, UK) by the Lincoln International Business School. The event highlighted key technological advancements reshaping the way we work and we think about work, and discussed the role of HR leaders in people management in this dynamic and futuristic context.


October 2019: Dr. Rochelle Haynes featured in the Barbados Business Authority



Dr. Rochelle Haynes was featured in the Barbados Business Authority for her consulting work and research on  digital nomads and remote working. The article focused on the barriers to adopting remote work within the Caribbean context. Rochelle also shared how she came to focus on this specific area of consultancy and expanded on her research and speaking engagements in Asia.

June 30th 2020: Speaking up for a Better World

Rochelle joins Keynote for Global Online Diversity Summit


Rochelle spoke at her first keynote event, Speaking Up For A Better World, an all-day global summit from KeyNote Women Speakers, featuring voices from all over the world speaking about their experiences and expertise on racism, bias, equity, and social justice with the intention of bringing people together and fostering inclusion at all levels. This event was motivated by the worldwide outrage following the atrocious video of a police officer murdering George Floyd, which sparked an urgent call to action for Black Lives Matter, anti-racism and an overhaul of how the world sees and treats black people. This has also sparked a worldwide call for more humanity in society, as citizens speak out on their countries’ own versions of deeply ingrained oppression and inequity.

At this event, Rochelle spoke about the need for Authenticity when Challenging Racism at Work, and shared her expertise on why typical Diversity and Inclusion tools don't work to reduce bias and discrimination. She also shared her experiences of racism inside and outside of the workplace.

May 07th 2020: Blended Workforce Webinar 

Jeremy and Rochelle share the GigHR framework 


Rochelle joined a panel of experts for One Africa Network (OAN) Webcast: Beyond COVID-19 - Jump-Starting the New World and Businesses live discussion.  Speakers discussed and shared perspectives, practical guidance and strategies on how to jump-start the economy and businesses, what the future skills, work, business, industries and consumers will mean for entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals.

Topics included:

  • Future economy in perspective: The path to the new normal

  • Jump-starting the economy through innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship

  • Boosting startups and small businesses: Enterprise Leadership, management capability building, new performance and skills for growth

  • How the rise of gig economy and  remote work are reshaping the workplace, skills for future employment  and jobs

  • Capturing the next frontier: Post COVID-19 business, consumer and investment opportunities to look

November 2019: Diversity in Business

Rochelle joins Diversity in Business panel at One African Network Event in Birmingham


On November 29th (2019), Rochelle joined an esteemed panel of guests to discuss the effectiveness of Diversity and Inclusion mechanisms in UK organisations. During the night, the panel shared their personal experiences of working in the UK and challenged firms to assess underlying narratives and motivations for introducing D and I processes to make these more beneficial for their target audience

October 2019: Rochelle speaks at HRM Association of Barbados' People Leadership conference


Rochelle travelled to Barbados at the end of September 2019 to deliver an interactive workshop of the future of work. In this session, she spoke about the challenges of remote working within the Caribbean context and the need to firms to widen theire talent lens to include both offline and online workers.


During the session, there was a very spirited debate around the level of freedom and trust that should be given to employees. It's safe to say that the session was very well received!

June 2018:  Ruchi Aggarwal speaks at TEDx Brayford in Lincoln, UK

ruchi ted2.jpg

Ruchi was invited to speak at the 2018 TEDx event in Brayford Pool, Lincoln. She encouraged her audience to think about whether they were trapped by a glass ceiling or stuck on a sticky floor. Ruchi also shared stories from her impressive career in marketing and provided advice on how women can overcome mental barriers to achieve their personal and professional goals. This simple mindset shift, she explained, could put the power back in the hands of the individual.

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